Complaints against green arrow signs
The general division for public transport and roads received multiple complaints from groups of people who are against the installation of green arrow signs in some the city’s intersections. The people say that the drivers who turn right when the traffic lights are red for cars and green for pedestrians, don’t yield them passage, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Division head Adrian Boldurescu told the City Hall's ordinary meeting that so far green arrow signs have been installed in 135 intersections, with 35 more to follow. The reason why the arrows weren’t installed in all the planned intersections is the people’s dissatisfaction. Adrian Boldurescu said that there were several intersections with a high flow of both vehicles and pedestrians. The latter are unhappy that drivers don’t allow them to cross even when the traffic lights show green for pedestrians.
Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca asked the traffic police to punish the drivers who don’t respect the road traffic regulation. “We mustn’t give up the project, but punish the drivers who don’t understand the traffic streamlining measure properly”, said the Mayor.
Installing black panels with green arrows to the right near traffic lights is a new stipulation in the road traffic legislation, approved by the Government in the summer of 2011. The new signs allow drivers to turn right regardless of the color of the main traffic lights.