
Company Metro allocated to Academy of Science of Moldova over 3 million lei for creating a modern library


German Company Metro Cash & Carry allotted on Friday, 24 March, to the Academy of Science of Moldova financial assistance over 3 million lei for creating a modern library within the institution. The ambassador of Germany in Chisinau, Wolfgang Lerke, participated as well at the ceremony of awarding the cheque. Co-manager of Metro Emilian Abadjiev said that the company invested in Moldova, it means trust this country and wants to support the economic development of the latter one not only through commercial activities, but as well supporting important branches of the economy, as well science. „Helping science, we help the whole society, as it will contribute to its turn improving the medical assistance, education and other social fields. German ambassador Wolfgang Lerke mentioned that foreign investments contribute to development of the country and intend to continue cooperation with Academy Science in order to organise joint projects. In this sense, in the middle of May, Vladimir Voronin will make a visit to Germany, and later o group of Moldovan scientists. ASM chairman Gheorghe Duca said that ASM has a scientific library and few librarians at its institutes, but these are old and their activity reduces to stocking and using written literature. „Today it has appeared the need of new methods, such as Internet, access to international scientific literature etc.” According to him, the library will be created according to calculating Centre of the Academy. Besides the company Metro, its reconstruction of the latter one is supported by the government of Moldova that allotted 6 million lei, American Foundation for Research Development SRDF – 3 million lei and Foundation Soros-Moldova – 50,000 dollars. there are needed other 3 million lei for implementing the project and ASM management counts on this on the government and other foreign investors. Emilian Abadjieva noted that Metro Cash & Carry is the biggest commercial organisation of the world and if it decides to open its market network in a country, this is a good sign for involving of other foreign investors on this market. „Metro influents positively on the national economy, being the biggest tax payer.” Metro works in 30 countries, and on the market of Moldova it appeared in December 2004.