
Companies with debts to state social insurance budget


The National House of Social Insurance made public a list of 579 companies with debts to the state social insurance budget. In the period between January and June 2015, their arrears amounted to over 100,000 lei, IPN reports.

The National College of Winemaking and Winegrowing accumulated the largest debt – of 29.5 million lei. The list of companies with debts includes state-owned companies and companies with majority state capital as well as known private companies.

The National House of Social Insurance reminds that the late or incomplete transfer of the mandatory state social insurance contributions is penalized with a fine of 600 to 1,000 lei, imposed on persons holding responsible posts (company managers).

Under the 2015 Law on the State Social Insurance Budget, a penalty of 0.1% of the debt is paid for each day of non-payment of the mandatory state social insurance contributions, including for the day when the debt is settled.