
Compact promotes women’s role in efficient management of irrigation systems


The Compact program promotes the role of women working in agriculture in the process of managing irrigation systems. The issue was discussed in a thematic conference that involved 11 irrigation water users associations, which were created with the support of the U.S. Government’s Compact, IPN reports.

U.S. expert Suzanne Butterfield, who came to Moldova within the Compact, said that a carrier in the irrigation sector is possible for women, despite the prejudice existing in society. She said that the manager of an association must have managerial abilities and abilities to communicate with the people and to efficiently use the knowledge and experience of employees. The women can do such things successfully.

Suzanne Butterfield emphasized the professional potential of the women involved in the irrigation water users associations, encouraguing them to start agribusinesses and to take an active part in the professional and community life.

The Compact helped farmers from ten districts to create irrigation water users associations. They will manage the reconstructed and modernized systems. Currently, the created associations have about 9,000 agricultural producers as members, 40% of whom are women.

Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Kara McDonald said the United States sends experts from different areas to Moldova to exchange ideas. These visits are a perfect example of partnership in administering water resources. By this partnership, the good practices are shared with the Moldovan farmers.

The U.S. official also said that the United States will support the Moldovan farmers now that Russia banned the import of fresh and canned fruit from Moldova. “The EU and the U.S. have supported the modernization and diversification of the agricultural sector of Moldova during many years. We consider that this way the Moldovan economy will achieve a better result than by closing the door, as Russia did,” stated Kara McDonald.

The five-year, $262 million Compact is aimed at reducing poverty and accelerating economic growth. The Compact focuses on irrigation reconstruction, access to agricultural finance, and the rehabilitation of an integral section of the country.