
Communist Party will win half of votes in elections, opinion


The Communist Party (PCRM) will win half of the votes in the November 30 elections and there is a risk that these elections will not be fair, ex-Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Communist Government Valeriu Ostalep, who heads the Institute of Diplomatic, Political and Security Studies, said in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

According to Ostalep, the PCRM is the party with the greatest popularity among the Moldovan voters and those who will take part in the elections will vote either for the PCRM or for one of the parties of the political right. “The voters in Moldova can be divided into three categories: those who do not know who to voter for; those who will vote against the ruling parties, and those who will not take part in the elections,” he said.

Ostalep also said that there is a great discrepancy in Moldova between the people who have a lot of money and those live at the poverty line and this message is promoted by none of the political parties, but the voters are also to blame for such a situation. “The voters in our country prefer simple messages based on promises,” he stated.

The former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs considers the fact that emphasis in the current election campaign is put on the geopolitical choice is incorrect. “There is no need to choose between the European Union and the Customs Union. These messages camouflage the interests of some parties that want to come to power,” he concluded.