
Communist Party continues to be voters’ favourite, poll


If elections were held next Sunday, 47% of the citizens eligible to vote would choose the Communist Party. At the same time, the popularity of the ruling party has decreased, according to the Omnimas socio-political poll conducted by IMAS-Inc Company. According to the study, a year ago (in November 2006) 59% of the voters would have voted for PCRM. The previous poll conducted in October showed the same level of popularity – 47%. The second place in the voters’ preferences is taken by the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party, which would poll 17%, compared to 10% in November 2006 and 13% in October 2007. Several other parties would have representatives in the Parliament if the election threshold was 6%: the Democratic Party (8%), the Christian Democratic People’s Party (8%), the Social Liberal Party and Liberal Party with 6% each. The Social Democracy and Social Democratic parties, which have recently merged, would get 4% and 3%, respectively. 40% of the questioned persons answered they do not have a party to vote for, and other 9% declared they would not vote. Vladimir Voronin, the President of Moldova and the leader of ruling party, continues to enjoy the highest level of confidence among voters – 46%. He is followed by Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev – 45%, Speaker Marian Lupu – 34%, Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca of Chisinau – 29%, AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu – 23%. People continue to have the greatest confidence in the Church - 84%, followed by the city hall as an institution – 65%, mass-media – 59%. The confidence in political parties and labour unions is lower – 23% and 27%, correspondingly. The poll was conducted in the period 27 November – 4 December on a sample of 1,083 persons, with a maximum sampling error of 3%.