Communist MP: Though Democrats criticized Communists for usurping state power, they became now more aggressive
“An anti-European and oligarchic regime was established in Moldova,” Communist MP Grigore Petrenko said at a news conference on Tuesday. He accused the members of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) of ignoring the PACE resolution, the stipulations of the EU-Moldova Plan of Action and the recommendations made by international organizations, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The Communists Party (PCRM) challenges the amendments introduced to the Broadcasting Code, the Law on the Status of Public Servant and the Law on the Status of MP passed in second reading on Tuesday.
According to him, the amendments to the Broadcasting Code were to be approved by the Council of Europe first. “In a resolution, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommended that the modifications to the legislation should be examined by the Council first. Thus, the Liberal-Democratic coalition does not have the moral right to call itself the Alliance for European Integration as its members violate the recommendations made by the European institutions every day,” Petrenko said.
He also said that the report on the modification of the Broadcasting Code prepared by the commission for culture, education, youth and mass media was falsified. The commission's chairwoman Corina Fusu said the modification proposals were accepted by 6 of the 10 members of the commission, but in reality there were only five votes in favor,” the MP said.
Another Communist MP Anatolie Zagorodnyi said the modification of the Law on the Status of Public Servant shows once again that the coalition government will name the deputy ministers according to an algorithm and that the amendments were aimed at discharging the present deputy minsters and appointing convenient persons.
Zagorodnyi expressed his indignation at the fact that the Law on the Status of MP was passed in first and second readings on the same day at a time when the Parliament's regulations say that a document is adopted in second reading at least ten days after the adoption in first reading. “These modifications are anti-European and anti-democratic. Though they criticized the Communists for the usurpation of the state power, the Democrats are now more aggressive and insistent and modify the legislation as they want,” the MP said.
He also said that the PCRM will dispute the constitutionality of the vote cast by the Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca, who holds simultaneously two incompatible positions.
On September 11, Chirtoaca submitted an application to the Parliament, informing that he chose to hold the post of Mayor of Chisinau and renounces the seat of MP. The Parliament is to accept his resignation. Afterward, the Central Election Commission will name the next candidate on the electoral list, while the Constitutional Court will confirm this person instead of Chirtoaca.
The Head of Parliament Mihai Ghimpu said earlier that the given issue was not included in the agenda of the Parliament's sittings as they expect the other MPs to make a choice between two incompatible posts so as to examine their applications on the same day. Chirtoaca said repeatedly that he will stop attending the sittings immediately after the Parliament makes a decision over his application.
The modifications to the Law on the Status of MP allow the MPs who are also ministers to hold the two positions simultaneously for a period of six months.