
Communication and linguistic engineering professionals can apply for the Continuous Instruction School


The interuniversity Multilingual Translation, Terminology and Linguistic Engineering Center (CIMettil) and the State University of Moldova with the support of Soros Foundation – Moldova, announced enrollment for the continuous instruction Schools for the mediators of communication for 2006-2007. The theme of the course is “European terminology and strategic communication for the Republic of Moldova”. All the courses on this issue will be held during November 2006 0 July 2007. Teachers from Belgium, Romania and Moldova will be invited. The eligible persons are the translators, editors, web editors, teachers, public relation specialists, journalists and other persons involved in communication and linguistic engineering. The eligibility criteria are the higher education, knowing a foreign language (English or French), communication skills. The file of the candidate must include a CV in English or French, a motivation letter in English or French, confirmation from the work place or other justification instruments (recommendation letters, participation certificates) in case of persons who have free professions. The dead-line for submitting the file is October 25, 2006. The documents must be sent via e-mail (cimettil@usm.md) or submitted to CIMettil, Banuleascu-Bodoni Street, 2, 2nd Block, 6th office.