
Common program to be used to manage court cases


The court cases and lawsuits could be managed only through the integrated case management program. The MPs adopted in the final reading a bill with relevant amendments and supplements, IPN reports.

Under the new law, the integrated case management program is common for all the courts of law and forms part of the Judicial Information System. Its use will be mandatory for all the courts of law. The management of the program and the control of its functionality will be ensured by the Agency for Court Administration.

Other changes refer to the activity of the Judicial Inspectorate that is a specialized independent body of the Superior Council of Magistracy. This will consists of seven inspector-judges who will enjoy functional autonomy. The inspector-judges will serve a single six-year term. The candidates for these posts shouldn’t have worked as judges during the past three years.

Also, the graduates of the National Institute of Justice who will work as judges, prosecutors or will hold other public posts for less than three years of the appointment will have to pay back the scholarship received while studying at the Institute.