
Collision of three cars caused serious injuries


Five youngsters were seriously injured in a traffic accident which took place on Tuesday evening on the Balcani – Chisinau highway. According to the Road Police the accident was caused by a BMW, a Fiat and an Opel. The violent collision injured the driver of BMW, of 29, who suffered fractures of the right thighbone and shank bones and traumatic shock, as well as his passenger, 24, who fractured his backbone and pelvis. Other two passengers of the BMW have also been injured – one of them fractured his thighbone, the second – cut his hand. The driver of the Opel, of 39, suffered head trauma. Another accident was caused by a driver, aged 24, on the Vasile Alecsandri Street. The young man was driving a Mercedes while drunken. He lost control over the car and hit a lamp post. The driver suffered a head trauma. Two young women, 23 and 27, were hit by a car at the intersection of Banulescu-Bodoni and 31 August 1989 streets. They suffered several injuries and needed medical assistance. 346 died and 2536 were injured in traffic accidents in Moldova since the beginning of the year.