
CoE will examine enforcement of ECHR judgement in case “Ilascu and others vs. Moldova and Russia”


The way how the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) was fulfilled in the case “Ilie Ilascu versus Moldova and Russia” will be examined at the meeting of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers (CECM), which will be held in Strasbourg from 3 to 4 April. This is the second meeting of this kind scheduled for this year. Ilascu Group won at ECHR the lawsuit against Moldova and Russia in July 2004. The Court ordered to release the two members of Ilascu group imprisoned in Tiraspol, Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa, who were not set free yet. Romanian senator Ilie Ilascu, ex political detainee of the unrecognised regime in Tiraspol, announced two weeks ago that he will request the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to withdraw Russia’s CECM presidency on grounds that it does not undertake actions to release the two political detainees.