
Coalition 2009 urges media outlets to correctly cover postelectoral events


The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections – Coalition 2009 calls on all the mass media institutions working in Moldova to be responsible and correctly and objectively cover the events taking place after elections, Info-Prim Neo reports. “We call on the mass media to acknowledge the enormous role that they play in forming the public opinion and present the information to the public in a pluralistic way, showing the position of all those accused of organizing the protests and instigating violence. We urge the journalists to refrain from using vocabulary that could incite hatred and disunion in their reports and articles,” Coalition 2009 says in a statement issued on April 9. The Coalition addresses mainly to the public stations with national coverage, Moldova 1 and Radio Moldova, asking them to correctly and impartially cover the events, respect the principle of presumption of innocence, not take the statements of the sides involved out of context, not manipulate the images and give the right to opinion to all those accused or staging the protests. “The correct and pluralistic informing is a fundamental right that can not be denied to the citizens of Moldova,” Coalition 2009 considers. Given the events happening in the postelectoral period, Coalition 2009 urges the people to exercise their right to public assembly peacefully and condemns the acts of violence and vandalism. It calls on the public authorities to ensure public order and the people’s security.