
Coalition 2009 sure April 5 elections were unfair and partly free


The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections – Coalition 2009 is still certain that the April 5 elections were unfair and partly free, Info-Prim Neo reports. “Coalition 2009 is convinced that the April 5 parliamentary elections were justly described as unfair and partly free and pledges to continuously monitor the political and electoral processes so as to ensure a good governance and the development of democracy in Moldova,” the members of Coalition 2009 says in a resolution issued on May 28. The Coalition calls on the authorities to create a democratic framework for reestablishing the social dialogue and to remove the legislative and organizational shortcomings stipulated in the monitoring reports of Coalition 2009 and of international observers as soon as possible. The Coalition also demands that the government observe the right to elect and be elected and encourages the authorities responsible for the organization of the elections to ensure all citizens’ right to vote, including of those that are abroad. The member organizations condemn the grave violation of the human rights in the aftermath of the elections and warn the public authorities, mass media and the civil society that the social situation has degraded, calling upon them to cooperate, including with the international organizations, and set up an independent commission that would investigate the events that took place in the post-electoral period. The Coalition asks the authorities to show responsibility, correctness and respect in the communication with the civil society so as to efficiently solve the problems faced during the election campaign and post-electoral period. Coalition 2009 brings together over 70 Moldovan nongovernmental organizations.