
CNI receives suggestions for improvement


The National Integrity Commission (CNI) must improve its communication efforts and ensure greater transparency in its relations with mass media in order to become credible in the eyes of citizens. The suggestions were made during a public debate on Friday, February 14, IPN reports.

The participating experts voiced a series of recommendations. One of them is for CNI to publish on its website information about its members, including about their jobs, and to publish the Parliament's requests to the CNI. The commission should also prepare instructions regarding the petitioning system for citizens.

Besides publishing its decisions, the Commissions should also synthesize and publish statistics about its activity. One recommendation is about the online broadcasting of the CNI meetings.

CNI chairman Anatol Donciu thinks that the relation with mass media is in fact pretty good. “About 66% of the files examined last year by CNI are based on articles from mass media”, he said.

The National Integrity Commission is an autonomous public authority whose main role is to verify the income statements of MPs and other officials.

The experts that came up with recommendations for CNI represent several NGOs from Romania and Moldova, specialized in the fight against corruption.