
CNAS implements electronic service “e-Application for SSIB Penalty Rescheduling”


The National House of Social Insurance (CNAS) implements the electronic service “e-Application for SSIB Penalty Rescheduling” for payers of contributions to the state social insurance budget (SSIB), IPN reports.

The service represents an electronic method of communication between the payers of contributions to SSIB and the National House of Social Insurance and aims to automate the process of requesting the rescheduling of late payment (default) interest and the conclusion of the agreement between CNAS and the payer.

According to the Law on the Public Social Insurance System, payers to the state social insurance budget who have unpaid default interest for the non-timely payment of mandatory state social insurance contributions and do not have overdue state social insurance contributions and fines can benefit, upon request, from the rescheduling of default interest during the current budget year, provided that they transfer in full and in due time the amount of current obligations to the state social insurance budget.

This electronic application can be submitted by all categories of contributors to SSIB using an electronic signature.

The electronic service “e-Application for SSIB Penalty Rescheduling” is available on the official website of the National House of Social Insurance www.cnas.gov.md, the “Electronic Services” division. When accessing the electronic service, the user is redirected to an authentication page on acces.cpas.md portal.