
CMC grants first apartments to Transnistrian refugees amid arguments


The Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) on December 24 allotted the first 28 certificates for apartments in the block of flats located on Ginta Latina Street to Transnistrian refugees. At the meeting, deputy mayor Igor Lupulciuc said that though the block has 80 apartments, only 31 dossiers have been examined and approved. He proposed excluding three possible beneficiaries from the list because the Cadastre Office Chisinau provided informational according to which the given persons could have dwellings. The information will be verified until the next CMC meeting. If it turns out that the three recipients do not have dwellings, they will receive certificates for apartments. Igor Lupulciuc said that the 28 families were allocated the apartments that they occupied by force. He also said that the refugees that occupied the one-room apartments provided provisionally by the City Hall do not want to free them when they are offered flats in the block from Ginta Latina Street. Monday’s meeting did not pass without disagreements. When the leader of the Humanist-Christian-Democratic faction Oleg Oniscenco said that the municipality should take into account in the future that besides refugees there are many deprived people in Chisinau that need dwellings, representatives of the Transnistrian refugees attending the meeting retorted angrily “And whose are we?” Igor Lupulciuc intervened, saying that refugees’ representatives come to the meetings of the special commission for distributing certificates with the same attitude and threaten the commission’s members and him personally with harassment when their opinions do not coincide with those of the commission.