
Civil society wants single corruption monitoring, prevention and combating mechanism


Representatives of the civil society demand that the authorities work out a single and integral mechanism for implementing and monitoring the corruption prevention and combating activities in Moldova. An appeal to the state administration and the international missions signed by a number of nongovernmental organisations says that two decisions establish parallel corruption monitoring and prevention mechanisms at present: the Parliament’s decision of 2004 which adopts the national strategy for preventing and combating corruption, which is accompanied by the plan of action for implementing it, and the Government’s decision that approves the Plan of Action for carrying out the Millennium Challenge Corporation Threshold Programme for Moldova. According to authors, in the process of implementing these documents it was ascertained that the dispersed monitoring and carrying out of the corruption prevention and combating policies reduce considerably their efficiency, create parallelisms, lead to the irrational use of administrative resources, make the relevant authorities prepare double reports etc. The signatories of the appeal say that the separate updating of the given normative documents should be stopped and there should be called a special meeting to draw up a single implementation and monitoring mechanism by interconnecting all the anticorruption components and choosing a single institution that will be in charge of monitoring and reporting. The organisations express their readiness to take part in discussions that will be organised on these topics. The appeal was signed by the Agency “Ex-Law”, Eurasia-Moldova Foundation, the Investigative Journalism Centre, Acces-Info Center and others.