
Civil society shares concerns with Premier designate


The representatives of the NGO sector on July 29 stated their concerns about number of issues in the consultations they had with Prime Minister designate Valeriu Strelet. These referred mainly to the situation in the banking sector, the implementation of reforms, especially in the justice sector, the restoration of relations with the development partners, and ensuring of gender equality, IPN reports.

Olga Batca, head of the Anticorruption Alliance, said they discussed first of all the situation in the financial-banking sector and the priorities in this field. They underlined the necessity of doing reforms and improving the work of the state institutions. ”We weren’t promised many things, but we witnessed a more realistic approach to the situation in the financial-banking sector,” she stated.

Alexei Buzu, director of the Partnership for Development Center, said the representatives of civil society wanted to know the Premier designate’s position on the three banks involved in the theft of money and on the implementation of reforms in the justice sector and prosecution service. “We didn’t hear particular firm commitments. The Premier designate said he will make effort to reanimate the National Participation Council, will cooperate more intensely with civil society and will examine more promptly and objectively partners’ proposals,” he said.

For his part, Valeriu Strelet said he listened to the concerns expressed by civil society and then enumerated the objectives set in the government program. “I hope we will manage to make the National Participation Council more convincing and visible,” he stated, noting that direct dialogue is to be ensured through this instrument.