
Civil society is shocked at atmosphere in Chisinau Municipal Council. Report by Info-Prim Neo


The extraordinary session of the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) on Thursday, December 14, broadcasted by municipal station “Euro TV Chisinau”, had shocked the civil society that declared itself disgusted at the atmosphere in CMC, by de tricks played by the representatives of communist and Christian Democrat factions in tandem with interim mayor Vasile Ursu. A number of personalities were revolted against the way how the personal and group interests are promoted, violating the common sense and legislation. At the same time, the almost full broadcast (in premiere) of a CMC session was highly appreciated, Info-Prim Neo reports. [Director of “Timpul de Dimineata” publication, Constantin Tanase,] told the agency that this transmission, even though it was broadcasted after the event was ended, was a lesson given by journalists from “Euro TV” who showed attitude that they must keep, because the real fight just starts, the publicist asserts. As Tanase states, people witnessed a “horrible spectacle that had developed CMC as a mob of individuals that protect personal interests of someone who has nothing in common with the public interest”. Tanase has referred to the signature put by PPCD leader Alexandru Corduneanu in a hurry, to the hysteric manner of Victor Odobescu in presiding the session. “CMC is a voting machine that does not admit to be contradicted. All the arguments of legal, moral nature were not taken into account. It was clear that they received an order and it has to be obeyed”, the journalist said. Tanase stated that this session revealed the real danger that red-orange coalition presents for the society, and for the democratization process. [CMC secretary, Vladimir Sarban] asserts that it was a disgusting and perfidious lesson for the journalists. According to the quoted source, such transmissions are necessary, so that people see the real atmosphere in CMC. “Every councillor proved his real price and it was obviously seen how co-ordinated the two factions act, with their leaders standing close to each other and communicating actively. “Those who earlier claimed they hated each other, stand shoulder to shoulder today, despite their different electorate”, said Vladimir Sarban. [Ex-mayor of the capital, Mihai Furtuna] asserts that there is a well-staged scenario and that the communist in concert with the Christian Democrats created a tandem that acts in the detriment of the society. The conduct of the councillors of these factions is beyond morality, says Furtuna, referring to the example of the leader of PCRM councillors, Svetlana Popa, who suggested the sessions’ head to remind Christian democrat Alexandru Corduneanu to propose once again the dismissal of the directors of municipal stations. The repeatedly dismissed vice mayor asserts that all the CMC sessions must be broadcasted so that capital’s residents see “how stupidity and personal interests are promoted”. Mihai Furtuna stated that he will support the municipal stations and urged other people to do the same. [Director of “Jurnal de Chisinau” newspaper, Val Butnaru] told Info-Prim Neo that from the deontological point of view, the TV broadcast is debatable, but “when a thief breaks into your home, all the means are justified”. “The way “Antena C” and “Euro TV” were treated matches the spirit in which the present government of Moldova, communists and Christian democrat allies, acts. I think journalists must show solidarity and fight till the end”, Val Butnaru said. [University professor Dr. Ion Gutu] has appreciated the fact that the society saw what is happening in the municipal Council. “What happened at the extraordinary session of CMC speaks about the lack of culture among civil servants. The uproar which aroused at the session shows that those who should lend an ear follow authorities’ orders instead, without taken into account the arguments and people’s destinies”, said Gutu. According to the quoted source, such behaviour does not do great credit to the citizens of a country that declares itself pro-European. Ion Gutu was very indignant at the way the power tries to get rid of independent mass-media, affirming that this affects democracy in Moldova.