
Civil society formulates proposals on amending Law on Condominium


Civil Society formulated a range of proposals concerning the amendments of the Law on dwelling fund condominium, which, although adopted in 2002, haven’t been applied yet. Several NGOs – the European Institute, the Alliance for Saving Energy and the Dwelling Owners Associations’ Union submitted proposals to the Parliament’s workgroup analyzing a bill concerning amendments to the Law on Condominium. Among the proposals formulated Neo are the differentiation between exploitation and administration of the dwelling fund property, establishment of exploitation instructions, diversifying organization forms of property administration, transparency concerning calculation of tariffs, working out a restoration plan of all apartment blocks and identifying sources and mechanisms of financing. Director the European’s Institute, Victor Doras, believes that the biggest gap of the law is the fact that it leaves room for manipulations and abuses in what concerns common property for heads of condominium associations and does not offer guarantees for members of the condominium. On the other hand, the law does not provide necessary mechanisms for the quality exploitation and servicing of the apartment blocks. According to Doras, amendments to the law debated till present in the Parliament are unessential and will not contribute to launching the reform in the field. According to NGOs representatives, there is a need for a complex approach to the problems the field faces, which should be based on developing relations to avoid conflicts between suppliers and consumers, as well as tenants and owners.