
Civil society can unite so as to be heard by political class, Igor Botan


The nongovernmental organizations that represent the young people can unite and issue a joint statement warning that the current political class endangers their future. The organizations of journalists, jurists and other associations can do the same. In such a situation, the politicians will have to listen to what civil society says, director of the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT Igor Botan said in the debate ”Culture of political crisis: views and roles of civil society organizations in the process of overcoming and communication with society”, staged by IPN News Agency.

”Civil society can become a major force in Moldova. Some organizations can attract other organizations to join them in their message. This message can reach the mass media and the people, the ambassadors. The current rulers say that the Alliance for European Integration is the expression of the young people’s revolt and that they want to offer the young people chances here, in the country. But if the young people say that this alliance disappointed them and that their future is endangered, the politicians will hear this. The role of civil society is important,” said Igor Botan.

The political class in Moldova didn’t become self-critical. “A statement that the people are disappointed will produce an event that cannot be overlooked by the authorities. Such a step can be taken. It would be a sign that the people unite for certain principles and values, for goals that the politicians promised to achieve,” stated the ADEPT director.

He also said that the insistence of the active citizens would cause the effect of the Chinese drop that blunted the stone. “We say we are a young civil society that must grow. This is how we are. In the current situation, this is our attitude. But we must understand that we must have attitudes and viewpoints. We must remind the people the promises made by the politicians,” said the political analyst.

The debate ”Culture of political crisis: views and roles of civil society organizations in the process of overcoming and communication with society” is the 15th of the series “Development of political culture by public debates” that is supported by the German foundation Hanns Seidel.