
Civil society calls on Government to ban Rogozin from entering Moldova


The signatories of the online petition “Stop sponsors of separatist regime”, which attracted over 100,000 public reactions, made a call for unity to all the members of Moldova’s Parliament, leaders of extraparliamentary parties, civic action groups, etc. so as to show solidarity in the approach to the Government to ban Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin from entering Moldova, IPN reports.

The signatories ask to support the common approach so that all the Moldovan authorities ignore the separatist festivities in Tiraspol, which will be held to celebrate the establishment of the so-called peacekeeping mission that can no longer have positive effects and should be replaced with a civil mission under an international mandate.

“52 hours have left until the delegation led by Dmitry Rogozin, who is under international penalties, will head for Tiraspol, playing the traditional role that he usually plays by sponsoring separatism, inciting hatred and dividing society. It is hypocrisy to support the petition and to do nothing if you are called a central authority of the Republic of Moldova,” says the statement.

Among the signatories are Rosian Vasiloi, Igor Munteanu, Ion Manole, Nadejda Hribtievschi, Veaceslav Berbeca, Ion Tabarta, Ion Leahu, Victoria Bucataru, Dionis Cenusa and Eduard Digor.