
Civil Council to elaborate CCCEC monitoring methodology


The methodology of monitoring the Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption (CCCEC) by the Civil Council will be elaborated by a specially established working group consisting of Council members, Info-Prim Neo reports. The working group was established at the second meeting of the Council on February 6. The same group will elaborate the regulation of the Council and a conduct code for its members. At the meeting, CCCEC director Vitalie Verebceanu, introduced the Council Secretary to the attendees and also the contact person in charge with presenting the requested information to the Council. In addition, Vitalie Verebceanu presented the Civil Council’s compartment on the CCCEC’s webpage, which will include information on the Council’s legal framework and activity as well as contact information about its members. The Civil Council for the supervision of CCCEC was set up by Government ordinance in October 2008. The Council’s activity is part of Moldova’s commitments under the Threshold Country Plan funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. The Council is supported by the Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity (SCSMC) Program, implemented by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), with the technical support of IREX.