
Citizens of capital city invited to submit proposals for “Chisinau – Green City” project


The Chisinau City Hall requests the citizens to state their opinions about the priority activities of the project “Chisinau – Green City” that is financed by de European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The inhabitants of Chisinau are invited to answer a number of questions as part of a questionnaire that is available on the City Hall’s website, IPN reports.

According to the municipal authorities, the questions are categorized according to such issues as public transport, rehabilitation and maintenance of roads, pluvial water drainage system, cleaning and rehabilitation of water resources in the municipality of Chisinau.

The citizens of Chisinau can state their opinions about the laying out of green areas and prevention of landslides, improvement of energy efficiency in public and residential buildings, modernization of the waste storage and collection system, etc.

Proposals can be submitted during April 5-19.