Choreographer Lucia Glass from Germany and Moldovan dancers plan joint show in Chisinau
The dancing troupe from Moldova “Voices” plan a modern dance show, in April, in cooperation with choreographer Lucia Glass from Germany. Nora Dorogan, an independent art manager, says that the main goal is the exchange of experience, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“I made acquaintance with Lucia Glass in Germany and I invited her to Moldova to teach Moldovan dancers elements of modern dance, well-known in Europe and popular in our country. This week Lucia will make acquaintance with Chisinau and with the students from choreography. In March, she will return to produce the performance, so that it will be presented to the Chisinau public in the middle of April,” Nora Dorogan maintains. The author of the project hopes that after the success expected in Chisinau, the play will be presented in Germany, too.
At a meeting with young dancers from Moldova, on Thursday, February 12, choreographer Lucia Glass confessed that she is interested in the idea about what results the dance can reach. “Any day-by-day movement of ours can be considered dance. The modern dance implies continuous change. The choreographers of this kind of dance do not use music, but natural sounds, produced by the movement of people,” she said. According to Lucia Glass, in Germany, especially in Berlin, there are many contemporary dance centers.
“Modern dance festivals are also organized in France, Estonia, Austria. There is a public which regards the dance not only as a form of entertainment, but also as a real art,” Lucia Glass maintains.
Iurie Ziubaci, a student of the fourth year at choreography, at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts, appreciated the project as a good idea. “I believe that the modern dance is a new way of comprehending the world.” At the meeting with the young dancers, sequences of the last performance of choreographer Lucia Glass from Berlin have been presented. The action is a part of the project, supported by the European Cultural Foundation.