
Chisinau’s budget to pay banking interest of MDL 1,5 mln for mortgage credits of budgetary employees


The municipal Council approved at Thursday’s sitting November 2 the decision regarding the exemption from bank interest of the persons employed in the budgetary system that build or purchase houses applying for a mortgage. This decision was made in order to stop the personnel fluctuation in the budgetary system and to improve civil servants’ living standards. Thus, the bank interest having the basic rate for long- term-credits, set by Moldova National Bank, was accepted to be paid from the local budget for 2006, following the payment of the respective financial means in the personal accounts of the beneficiaries, which are opened at the local commercial banks. The mortgage interest of 8% is to be paid from the local budget according to the investment contracts concluded between the employees of the budgetary system and Municipal Mortgage agency from Chisinau ‘AMIC”. MDL 244 thousand will be paid to 24 persons for the current year, over MDL 356 thousand - for 2007 and over MDL 261 thousand - for 2008. The payment from the local budget of the interests for 14 persons that concluded contracts with “Moldova-Agroindbank” CB was also approved. In this respect, over MDL 245 thousand will be paid in 2006, over MDL 272 thousand - in 2007 and over MDL 240 thousand - in 2008. The total sum of the local public means allotted in this respect constitutes about MDL 1 mln 402 thousand.