
Chisinau – Strășeni – Călărași water pipeline will be rehabilitated and extended


The Government instituted a preliminary research commission for declaring the works to build the Chisinau – Strășeni – Călărași water pipelines as public utility of national interest. The rehabilitation and extension of the water pipeline will be executed within a project financed by the Federal Government of Germany through the KfW Development Bank that offers a grant of €25 million, IPN reports.

A new 52-km main will be built along the Chisinau – Strășeni – Călărași route and this will be connected to the reservoirs existing in the two towns in case the funds are insufficient and KfW does not have objections (official approval) to the villages with internal networks existing along the route of the pipes.

The pipeline will be under the ground and will follow the public transport routes where it is possible. From the treatment station existing in Chisinau, where the water from the Nistru is being treated, the water will be pumped through an existing pipeline to a connection chamber from where it will be directed to the new main.

The grant will be disbursed in stages, for each designing phase. The urban water supply systems in Strășeni and Călărași will also be rehabilitated and extended.

The projected route of the pipeline will cross territorial-administrative units of the I and II levels, lots of land that need to be temporarily expropriated from private ownership so as to perform the public utility works of national interest.

The Moldovan Government’s contribution to the project is €3.050 million.