
Chisinau residents do not have culture of selective waste collection, director


Even if the municipality of Chisinau invested €160,000 in selective waste containers, the revenues from the recycling of paper and glass do not meet the expectations. Director of the municipal cleanup company “Autosalubritate” Tudor Maniv has told IPN that since spring, when the bins were set up, the revenues from recycling paper and glass came to 8,000 lei.

“Unfortunately, the containers are burned and destroyed, but the municipality will continue to install them as otherwise the residents of Chisinau will not learn to collect the garbage selectively. We must have started from somewhere. Vagrants often destroy glass and steal cardboard,” said Tudor Maniv.

He also said that the Chisinau inhabitants do not have the culture of selective waste collection. In order to develop such a culture, “Autosalubritate” will make a number of promotion videos and programs to teach the population to collect the garbage selectively. The company’s employees will also pay visits to schools to inform the students.

Tudor Maniv stated that 1,000 bins for plastic will appear on the waste collection platforms of Chisinau in a week. The director is sure that the incomes form recycling plastic will be higher as the plastic represents 80% of the garbage collected in Chisinau.

The municipality set up 500 containers for paper and 500 containers for glass. The bins were made in Germany.