
Chisinau policemen and prosecutors claim apartments in building intended for vulnerable families


Police officers and prosecutors from Chisinau who won cases in courts demand that they be offered the 69 apartments from a block built for socially vulnerable families on Liviu Deleanu St, the Legal Division head Diana Gurschi informed at Monday’s meeting of the City Hall. The given block has not been put in commission yet, Info-Prim Neo reports. 90% of the court decisions are in favor of the prosecutors and policemen who were provided with two hectares of land three years ago. 700 apartments could be built on this land, the City Hall’s jurist said. The foreign donors that allocated money for finishing the building imposed a number of conditions that the police officers and prosecutors do not meet, said deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu. The legal division managed to obtain the annulment of 30 court decisions on the basis of the contract clauses. Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca asked for information about how the two hectares of land allotted by the City Hall was used. He instructed the Legal Division to file an application to the Parliament, asking that the blocks for vulnerable families remain property of the local public administration. He also ordered that the block located on Liviu Deleanu St be guarded so as to avoid cases of abusive occupation. The construction of this and one more block intended for Transnistrian refugees is financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank.