
Chisinau Municipal Council adopted the Organization Chart of the Mayoralty Apparatus


The Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) adopted on Thursday, the 29th of June, the organization chart of the Mayoralty Office of the capital, despite the negative opinion of several municipal councilors regarding it. According to the organization chart, in the framework of the Mayoralty Office the Department for Petitions and Records is established, which includes the control department and that will have the obligation to control the fulfillment of CMC decisions and the directives of the general mayor. Also, in modified variant, the Department of International Relationships was re-entitled into the Department for Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and European Integration, and the Department of Urban Control – into the Department for Building Authorization and Discipline. The interim mayor of Chisinau municipality, Vasile Ursu, declared for the press that the organization chart provides as well for establishing a service based on the “unique pay-office” principle, where the population will be consulted in all problems that are covered by the municipality’s responsibility. According to him, the variant of placing the service at the first floor of the City Hall, in order to facilitate the access of the population is examined, but there is a possibility that it may be opened in one of the municipal departments. Ursu also said that the named changes were necessary due to the fact that the Mayoralty Office “has become an amorphous structure with the same subdivisions for several years already that were inefficient in the present days”. Previously, the interim said that one of the goals of modifying the organization chart is firing persons who don’t fulfill their duties. Before the approval of the document, the municipal councilor Igor Crapivca denounced the fact that the mayor has the control over too many departments and municipal services and he proposed that some of the mayor’s duties to be offered to the deputy mayors. He explained that usually when a person has so many competences, the work done is not efficient. On the other hand, the municipal councilor from the Alliance “Our Moldova”, Oleg Cernei, has reiterated his disapproval towards modifying the organization chart before the local elections, but he mentioned that through operating these changes, Ursu is tacking some risks, because legal mistakes were made when the workers were announced about this. CMC examined as well at the proposal of the municipal councilor Valeri Pavlov, the possibility of transferring under the control of the CMC the Department for Authorization and Discipline, explaining this by saying that inefficient work is done in the framework of the Mayoralty Office, and of the Department of Information Technologies, explaining it by saying that it takes care only of technical issues. Both the departments remained in the framework of the Mayoralty Office at the intervention of a representative from the Government, who mentioned that these structures must be under the supervision of the government, and the transformation process might require a lot of time and effort. Vasile Ursu will present the regulations for each department from the Mayoralty Office at one of the next sessions. Besides the organization chart of the Mayoralty Office, the regulations and organizations charts of other two subdivisions of the CMC were approved: The General Department for Financing and the General Department of Economy, Reforms and Patrimonial Relationships.