
Chisinau local authorities authorize patent retailers’ march


Commercial patent holders will march in sign of protest in Chisinau on March 13. The action has been authorized by the Chisinau city hall, the president of the Small Business Association (SBA,) Eugen Roşcovanu, has told Info-Prim Neo. The march will start in Cantemir Square, at the corner with Ismail street. The protesters will then go along Ştefan cel Mare avenue, halting in front of the Government and Presidency, to finally picket the Parliament. Eugen Roşcovanu says patent holders from different districts will close their market booths on March 13 and will come to Chisinau to march as a protest against the tergiversation to modify Law 208 in their favor. The SBA’s president maintains the merchants remained dissatisfied with the results of the talks with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. According to him, the Ministry further tries to tergiversate the solution of the problem related to the entrepreneurship patent. The protesters proposed a list with the types of goods which, in their opinion, should be allowed to be sold on the patent basis. Apart from household goods and appliances, which can be guaranteed by whole-sale stores, they asked to be allowed to sell goods for children, including second-hand goods. The merchants also asked for clearly defining the terms “kiosk,” “booth” and “counter.” “In many cases, a film-covered table is registered as a kiosk, the patent holders are harassed by district controlling bodies,” says Eugen Roşcovanu. According to him, the patent holders agree to pay their fees on a quarterly basis and, once a year, for their medical and social insurance. Yet they oppose the Ministry’s idea to raise the patent fees threefold. Up to now the patent holders have organized over 120 protest actions in cities, demanding the abrogation of Law no. 208, which forbids to practice the commerce on the basis of the patent.