
Chisinau has no deputy mayors


Those four deputy mayors of Chisinau – Veaceslav Iordan, Mihai Furtuna, Alexandru Corduneanu and Petru Svet – were dismissed today by the local councillors upon their resignation notifications. At the same City Council meeting, Chisinau Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca and MP Vladimir Filat, elected on the lists of the Democrat Party, gave up their councillor’s mandates. The mandate of municipal councillor was also refused by the deputy district head of Botanica, Ana Iurascu, elected on behalf of “Moldova Noastra” Alliance. The vacant offices in the Council will be distributed after the validation of the mandates by the Central Election Committee. The acting district head of Ciocana Ion Gabura and Botanica deputy district head Vlad Cotet submitted resignation notifications in order to eliminate the incompatibility with the councillor’s office. The issues related to the election of CMC president and the new deputy-mayors of Chisinau were included in the supplementary agenda of the session. The local councillors did not manage to examine them and decided to take a break until Thursday, August 2.