
Chisinau City Hall will struggle with construction firms so as to make the town clean. Info-Prim Neo feature article


The construction companies in Chisinau could be obliged to sign waste disposal contracts with the “Motorsanitation” Division because the city administration will not tolerate the present situation anymore. Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca is convinced that the construction companies are the ones that create unauthorised rubbish dumps, including in parks and woods. The mayor says that a mechanism is needed to make the economic agents more responsible and motivate the local authorities to carry out more inspections. Managers of construction companies will be called to the City Hall soon to give explanations. They will be also “asked” to sign contracts with “Motorsanitation”. The mayor said that the representatives of the economic entities should be allowed to explain first. He also instructed the officials in charge to find a possibility of involving the municipal divisions into the process. The General Housing-Communal Division for instance could sell tickets for collecting the refuse. The head of the division Dionisie Boaghie said that the police as well as the Ecological Agency and the Scientific-Practical Centre of Preventive Medicine should be also engaged. According to him, the problem of unauthorised waste dumps could not be solved without the support of these institutions. In addition, the economic entities most probably will try to avoid signing contrasts for waste disposal. [The mayor’s ordinance to issue construction authorisations only to companies that signed contracts for waste disposal is not observed] Not long ago, the mayor ordered that the relevant divisions should issue construction authorisations only to the economic entities that entered into contracts for waste disposal. It seems yet that the mayor’s ordinance is not respected. Gheorghe Railean, the head of the Construction Authorisation Division, at one of the Chisinau City Hall’s meetings, said that the waste disposal contracts are necessary in case of capital repairs, not yet in case of constructions. He also said that the constructors have or at least should have special places on the building sites where to store the refuse. A contract is signed when the construction is completed. The chief architect of Chisinau Vladimir Modarca said that he did not know that the mayor demanded the relevant divisions to issue construction authorisations only to the economic entities that signed contracts for waste disposal. Modarca considers that the Chisinau administration cannot oblige the economic agents to sign such contracts or to impose certain restrictions on them. They should only demand that they transport the waste to special places like the Purcel quarry at their own expense and provide assistance if need be. Tudor Maniv, the head of the “Motorsanitation” Division, said that many times he is not informed by the economic entities where the refuse is stored and that rather often he must liquidate unauthorised waste dumps formed mainly of construction waste. According to Maniv, such a situation is due to the fact that the companies are not compelled to sign contracts for waste disposal. There are yet opinions that the specialised services of the City Hall transport the waste from construction sites, but do not transfer the money to the budget. For this reason, they do not want to enter into contracts with the economic entities. [The municipal authorities have stepped up sanitation activities in the last two weeks] After the local authorities intensified the sanitation activities in the past two weeks, it was ascertained that the construction waste is scattered all over the town. The specialised municipal divisions cleaned the streets and roads that go to the suburbs and liquidated a number of unauthorised rubbish dumps. The head of Ciocana district Galina Bostan said that three large waste dumps and five smaller ones were removed from the vicinity of the buildings under construction located on N. Milescu Spataru Street. Fifty-four buildings are being erected in the district and the waste is stored here and there. Dionisie Boaghie says that the works on the streets that had been less cleaned until present were carried out according to a special calendar. The banks of the Durlesti rivulet were also cleared of construction waste. The National Army soldiers participated in the cleaning works alongside the municipal sanitation workers and the economic entities. The territory of Gratiesti village, the road to Bacioi village, the road to Purcel mine, the Otovasca Street, the so-called ‘Montana’ hill from Petricani quarter and other places have been intensely cleaned in the past two weeks. According to the mayor general, all these actions are yet not enough to solve all the sanitation problems in the municipality. He said that the people and the economic entities should look after the land of which they are in charge. The mayor also said that the Chisinau residents should inform the local authorities about the illegal storing of waste in the municipality, while the specialised services should step up sanitation efforts, but within the limits of the budget. Recently, the Chisinau City Hall announced that it will start employing sanitation workers from spring. As the block service charges have been raised, the salaries of the sanitation workers would be also increased. The “Motorsanitation” Division” has also stepped up its activities and promises to collect the waste accumulated near blocks of flats three times a week when the weather grows warmer.