
Chisinau City Hall starts the year with a provisional budget


The Chisinau City Hall announces that until the approval of the municipal budget within the CMC, the municipality will operate on the basis of a provisional budget for 2025. A provision to this effect was signed by Mayor Ion Ceban.

According to the document, the provisional municipal budget for 2025 is set at 8.17 billion lei in revenues, including transfers from the state budget in the amount of 4.42 billion lei, and 8.75 billion lei in expenditures, with a budget balance of 580 million lei, IPN reports.

According to the draft, the municipality plans revenues from the income tax on the income of individuals engaged in self-employment in trade, as well as from the tax on the income of individuals and legal entities registered as entrepreneurs - around eight million lei. Another about 15 million is estimated from the tax on real estate property of legal entities, etc. almost 13 million lei will be collected from the market tax, and another more than 41 million - from the tax on land use planning, etc.

On the expenditure side, the education sector traditionally accounts for more than 50% of the municipal budget. This is 4.5 billion lei, which is allocated for all levels of education - early, primary, secondary, high school, special, extracurricular, etc. For the household and communal services, 1.8 billion lei is allocated.

More than 577 million lei are earmarked for culture, sport, youth, worship and recreation, 462 million lei for social protection, almost 87 million lei for environmental protection and 24.6 million lei for health protection.

2.1 billion lei is earmarked for economic services. There are several programs related to macroeconomic policy and management, transport, road infrastructure, construction, regional development, etc.

Last year too, the Chisinau local public administration operated for half a year with a provisional budget. However, the municipal budget for 2024 was voted by the Chisinau City Council only at the end of July, due to differences between factions.