
Chisinau City Hall attracted nine projects worth 3.8m euros during 2008-2009


The Chisinau City Hall between 2008 and 2009 attracted nine projects to the value of 3.8 million euros. According to the head of the International Relations, Regional Cooperation and European Integration Division Gabriela Ciumac, the projects won by the Chisinau administration contribute to the improvement of the skills of the personnel and solving of sewage-related problems, urban planning and other problems, Info-Prim Neo reports. A project worth 900,000 euros will be soon implemented in Chisinau to solve the problem of pluvial sewerage near the Railway Terminal and on Albisoara St near the Circus. New sewerage pits will be built there. Another urban planing project to the value of about 1 million euros will optimize the use of urban public transport. A Knowledge House will be opened in Chisinau on January 29, 2010. This is a project worth about 400,000 euros to outfit a public center with books, videoteque and informative materials in several languages. The City Hall will cover the maintenance costs and pay minimum salaries to the center's employees. The projects are and will be implemented with partners from Romania, Ukraine, France, Switzerland, Italy and other states. The City Hall is expecting the approval for another 39 projects. Seventeen of the submitted projects have been rejected.