
Chirtoaca criticised for wrong personnel management


Councillor Oleg Cernei of the Moldova Noastra Alliance faction criticised today Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca for appointing heads of municipal departments and divisions without holding transparent recruitment contests, as promised when he campaigned for office. Cernei said that despite his repeated attempts to have the City Hall make its HR policy public, the latter hasn’t presented its organisational chart yet. “What a good City Council would do first after inauguration is to adopt an organisational chart”, the councillor said. Cernei claimed that the mayor names his subordinates on political criteria. “Everybody knows it, as well as the fact that the mayor has been sued for that. We have a democratic coalition in the Council, but apparently the mayor and the Council’s chairman fail to notice it”, complained the councillor. According to him, some of the division heads appointed by the mayor are arrogant and ill-mannered with the councillors and City Hall employees, contrary to the liberal and democratic principles. Cernei said he refers to the head of the Division for Housing and Public Amenities, Dionisie Boaghie, who has displayed bad temper and lack of manners in dealing with the CMC commissions, district heads and deputy mayors. The same is the conduct of the head of the Culture Division, Lucia Culev, and this fact should alert the councillors, said Cernei. The councillor also noted that the mayor often misses the CMC meetings, which are actually meant to discuss the activity of the mayor.