
Children's recreational park sued


Last year, the Chisinau City Hall supported the creation of a children's park in a wooded area between Rascani and Ciocana districts, but now it wants to stop the project and filed a lawsuit against the initiator, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference, the park's administrator Larisa Turcan said that last summer, her family bought equipment for laying out a recreational park for children with money that they earned in Italy.They invested about 2 million lei. A plot of land in the wood owned by Moldsilva was cleaned with the help of volunteers. “We collected 22 tractors of garbage that has been spread in the wood during 30 years. Last year, we dealt only with the cleaning and laying out,” Larisa Turcan stated. She said the state did not provide financing, but the City Hall accepted the project. In September 2009, the children's park BabyPark was opened officially in the presence of deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu and TV channels. Now Larisa Turcan is accused of entering a territory that does not belong to her and is sued. In the news conference, children's ombudswoman Tamara Plamadeala said she will examine the legality of the lawsuit as it is strange that the City Hall took part in the launch of the project and now refuses to sign the lease contract. She added the setting up of the park was a noble initiative and she saw no other such parks in Chisinau. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the head of Ciocana district Galina Bostan said they supported the initiative and allowed laying out the territory, but the economic entity was to sign a lease contract with the City Hall. The administrator's husband Nicolae Turcan said the park provided gratis services during three weeks and then they set a charge of 13 lei an hour. The children under one were allowed to enter free of charge. Now the prices vary depending on the length of time spent there. The persons with three children and those with children younger than one have free access, the kindergarten groups are allowed free access two or three times a month, while disabled children of children's homes – once a week. Larisa Turcan calculated she would need 22 years to recover the money invested in the equipment only. The same day, the City Hall's Public Relations Division issued a communique, saying the children's recreational park in Ciocana was built up on a territory occupied abusively and this plot should be returned to the legal owner. Under the law, the incurred costs are not refunded.