
Chief of European Public Prosecutor’s Office speaks about responsibilities related to EU funding


“Moldova will receive substantial funding from the budget of the European Union the coming years. It is our shared responsibility to track potential fraudsters with the greatest determination and efficiency,” Laura Codruța Kovesi, Head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, stated in the EUROSFAT 2023 forum.

“We must better detect fraud that affects the financial interests of the European Union and exchange information as partners,” the official noted in the forum’s panel discussion “Democracy, good governance and rule of law: reforms needed to join the European Union”, IPN reports.

The European Chief Prosecutor said it is important to initiate the process of harmonizing national legislation with European laws, namely the legislation on the prevention and fighting of corruption and fraud.

“The process of joining the European Union is often presented in technical terms: harmonization of the legislation; negotiations on chapters; aligning with the European standards; structural reforms. But this approach should be changed by the Moldovans. Everything you do to become a member state of the European Union you do for yourself, not because you want to be near the Europeans, but because you consider yourselves Europeans,” stated Laura Codruța Kövesi.

The forum is organized by the European Expertise Center “Europuls” of Romania and the Independent Think Tank “Expert-Grup” of Moldova, with financial support from Soros Foundation Moldova, the European Union and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.