
Charity concert for boarding school grads


The Center of Social Services for Child and Family, in collaboration with "Amici dei Bambini" association in Moldova, have organized a charity concert for December 13. The receipts will be donated in support of boarding school grads. Viorica Matas, Executive director of the Center of Social Services for Child and Family, told Info-Prim Neo that the charity action "For You, Children of the World" is at the fourth edition. The receipts are invested to help boarding school grads to pursue studies at universities, colleges or vocational schools. Between 14 and 24 thousand lei have been collected at previous editions. "These children were born, but abandoned, isolated, abusively deprived of their right for a family, being institutionalized. Only society is capable of changing their destinies by accepting them in its bosom, supporting and encouraging them. This will bring a smile on their faces once more.", say the concert's organizers. Anatol Marzencu, Geta Burlacu, Ana Barbu, Adrian Ursu, Acord, Victoria Lung, Adriana Ochisanu, Alexandru Vdovicenco, Ala Vdovicenco, Andrei Stefanet, Aurel Chirtoaca, Ruslan Stribitchi, Cristina Croitoru, Pasa Parfenii, Alexandru Cibotaru, Lavinia Rusu, Dimitrie Pavlinciuc, Diana Brescan, Viorel Braga, Anastasia Sorocan will perform on the stage. The concert is directed by Leonid Taranu. The show will take place on December 13, at 6 P.M., at the State Philharmonic "Serghei Lunchevici". Tickets can be bought at the State Philharmonic's ticket kiosks, and at the Center of Social Services for Child and Family, tel.: 022 72 78 90 and at "Amici dei Bambini" Moldova Office, tel.: 022 23 21 12; 23 78 56.