
Changes approved to a number of legal acts that regulate children’s rights


The Government approved amendments to legislation that refer to the rights of children, including of those who remained temporarily without parental care, IPN reports.

The tutelage authorities, at the request of the child or parent, will ensure the quarterly visit by the parent to the child if the parent is not being deprived of parental rights. The age limit of 10 years when the child’s consent to the parent’s or parents’ visit starts to be asked was eliminated. The child will be consulted taking into account their maturity and development levels.

If the parents live separately, the child who turned 14 can choose the parent with whom he/she wants to live. If this refuses to choose, the child’s domicile is decided by the parents’ consent. If the parents’ consent is absent and the child who turned 14 refuses to choose the parent with whom he/she wants to live, the minor’s domicile is decided by the court of law, taking into account the interests of this, for example the distance up to school.

Only the parent or parents of the child will be able to sign legal documents and to defend the child’s interests. If the child is classed as a child who remained temporarily without parental care or as a child who remained without parental care, the local tutelage authority will be the legal representative of this, except for cases when the child has a guardian.

Other changes extend the possibilities of international adoption of children with special needs and the availability of the data on adopted children. Special attention will be devoted to the examination and taking of the adoption decision. It is also regulated the procedure for examining the application to return the child to the place of residence.