The chances of recovering the money embezzled from the Moldovan banking system are slim, considers ex-minister of finance Veaceslav Negruta and director of the Market Economy Institute Roman Chirca. The issue was developed in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel, IPN reports.
According to Veaceslav Negruta, the chances of retrieving the money decrease in time. “The more time passes, the harder it will be to recover the money. A lot depends on the state institutions and we hope that with the arrival of the experts of Kroll company in Chisinau, all the recovery procedures will be hastened. If the state institutions had mobilized to recover the money after the first Kroll report was presented, the chances would have been bigger. Immediately after the first Kroll report appeared, the Latvian authorities, for example, reacted and dismissed the director of a bank. We now have to only hope that the money recovery process that will start after the arrival of Kroll experts will be dynamic,” stated the former minister.
Roman Chirca expressed his skepticism about the possibilities of retrieving the money stolen from the banking system. “Those involved in the bank fraud are intelligent persons and they know how to hide the traces and the money for not to be discovered. I don’t think that such conservative states as the UK, for example, will lend a hand to the Republic of Moldova. I don’t think that a part of the stolen money was invested in the Republic of Moldova. Nothing has been done to shed light in this regard during about three years. The second Kroll report should be made public,” he stated.
The governor of the National Bank of Moldova Sergiu Cioclea recently said that a team of Kroll experts will come to Chisinau at the start of July and, after the second report on the embezzlement of about US$ 1 billion from the banking system is presented, the authorities will launch the process of recovering the money. Cioclea noted that the second Kroll report will not be published.