
Chamber of Trade and Executive Committee of Gagauzia sign cooperation agreement


The chairman of the Chamber of Trade and Industry Valeriu Lazar and the Bashkan of Gagauzia Irina Vlah signed an agreement of cooperation with the common objective of developing the business environment and offering assistance to companies from the region in development and internationalization, IPN reports.

Valeriu Lazar said that cooperation agreements similar to the one signed with the executive of Gagauzia will be also signed with other local public authorities of Moldova with the aim of developing the recent Chamber’s initiative, called the Local Business Agenda.

Irina Vlah stated that one of the priorities of the Executive Committee is to improve the relations with the business community and to regain businesses’ confidence. She expressed her readiness to have a dialogue with the business sector and the interest to create favorable conditions for the activity of companies.

The agreement envisions the creation of working groups for implementing the Local Business Agenda and an economic council under the Bashkan of Gagauzia, organization of business forums in the region, promotion of the economic operators working in the autonomous unit, including by participation in national and international exhibitions, provision of information and assistance in applying to business support programs and close cooperation in staging the contests Trademark of the Year and Businessman of the Year and other activities.