
CET1, CET2, five theaters and Moldova-Film will not be privatized


Parliament on July 12 passed the bill that shortens the list of public property that cannot be privatized in the final reading. There were struck off more than 60 facilities that now can be auctioned. The head of the Parliament’s commission on economy, budget and finance Veaceslav Ionita said that amendments were made after the first reading and the thermoelectric plans CET1 and CET2, five theaters, Moldova-Film and other cultural facilities were put again on the list of property that cannot be denationalized, IPN reports.

The bill aroused heated debates in Parliament. The Communist MPs demanded including a number of enterprises, among which all the energy companies, in the list of property that cannot be privatized. Iurie Muntean said that according to his information, a number of public enterprises will be sold at very low prices in August.

Among the facilities struck off the list are: the power distribution networks “Nord” and “Nord-Vest”, the thermoelectric plant “Nord”, SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau”, SA “Termocom”, the road management company “Edilitate”, and others. They can be put up for auction now.

But the National Philharmonic “Sergey Lunkevich”, “Eugene Ionesco” Theater, “Ginta Latina” Theater, the National Theater “Mihai Eminescu”, the Russian Dramatic Theater “A.P. Cehov”, “Luceafarul” Theater and other institutions will not be denationalized.