
Certain streets in Chisinau are still not connected to aqueduct


The present-day Chisinau City has entire streets that are not connected to the water supply system. For nine years, the residents living on Busuiocului, Bujorului, Livadarilor streets and Busuiocului bystreet in Codru town had expected to be connected to the aqueduct that goes not far from their houses. They filed numerous petitions to the former mayor general Serafim Urecheanu, to the former interim mayor Vasile Ursu as well as to the incumbent mayor general Dorin Chirtoaca. At Thursday’s meeting of the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), councillor of the Social-Democratic faction Emil Gutu said that a water pipe to a neighboring villa district began to be built several months ago. This fact aroused the indignation of the residents of Codru town, who have carried water with buckets for many years, Gutu said, stressing that the situation is critical especially in winter, when the vehicle carrying water cannot go up the hill near the town because of the glazed frost. The councilman asked the City Hall authorities to consider the possibility of connecting the mentioned houses to the aqueduct as soon as possible. The works could be completed by this yearend because the mayor’s office of Codru town finalized and paid all the designing works, the cited source said. Ten households from Ghidighici town have asked the authorities for seven years to connect them to the aqueduct and power distribution networks. Alexandru Robu, councillor of the Moldova Noastra Alliance faction, asked the management of Lumteh IM and Apa-Canal Chisinau SA to look for possibilities of connecting these households to the water supply and electric power systems.