
Central bank proposes introducing 1 leu and 2 lei coins


The National Bank of Moldova suggests introducing coins with the nominal value of 1 leu instead of the banknotes with the same value. This is necessary because the 1 leu bills become swiftly worn-out. These have a short life and do not respect a number of security criteria. There could also be introduced coins with the nominal value of 2 lei, even if a bill with such a value does not exist now. The announcement was made by the National Bank governor Sergiu Cioclea in the program “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1.

“We tried to determine how much printing the banknotes will cost and realized that it is very expensive given that their nominal value is very low. We initiated discussions with the Government, but felt particular reticence. Our role is to explain and convince them and we will also explain to journalists and businessmen,” stated Sergiu Cioclea, quoted by IPN.

According to the governor, introducing national coins with the nominal value of 1 leu and 2 lei was proposed following recommendations made by the International Monetary Fund for ensuring the security of the national currency.