
CEC president: Eventual snap parliamentary elections will cost 120m lei


The president of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Dorin Cimil said the institution did estimative calculations and determined that 120 million lei will be needed to organize and hold snap parliamentary elections if Parliament decides to organize such elections this year. He noted the CEC is ready to organize elections for the diaspora during two or more days, IPN reports.

Dorin Cimil stated the institution is ready to hold snap parliamentary elections this year if the parliamentary parties take such a decision. Even if the 2021 state budget does not include funds for such elections, they estimated that the elections in times of a pandemic would cost 120 million lei.  

“The electoral authority in Chisinau is permanently ready for elections, but there is no decision as to the snap elections for now. However, we determined that 114 million lei is needed, plus the costs for purchasing anti-COVID-19 items. The budget costs will amount to about 120 million lei,” Dorin Cimil stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Moreover, the CEC president said the institution is ready to ensure voting during two or more consecutive days outside Moldova, in conditions of maximum security. However, the decision to amend the electoral legislation is to be taken by the MPs.

“We consider it is opportune to hold the elections during two or more days. This is the next step we will take, especially because the electoral legislation of the Republics of Moldova is practically appropriate and will not necessitate multiple amendments if Parliament allows voting during several consecutive days. The Commission already pronounced by approving some of the relevant bills,” stated Dorin Cimil.

A bill to amend the Electoral Code so as to extend the period of voting outside the county to two two days and to increase the number of ballots from 5,000 to 10,000 per polling station was introduced into Parliament, but hasn’t yet garnered the necessity support.