
CEC asked to present algorithm based on which polling places are established abroad


MEP Siegfried Muresan, who is a member of the Delegation of the EU–Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, sent an open letter to the president of the Central Election Commission Alina Russu, whereby he requests to make public the algorithm based on which polling places are established abroad, the number of polling stations in a country and the place where these are set up, IPN reports.

In his letter, the MEP says he noticed major differences between the numbers of polling places established in different countries, when a common mathematical criterion cannot be identified to explain why fewer polling stations were opened in the countries with a large number of citizens registered beforehand and with a large number of persons who voted in the previous elections, but also with a large number of citizens registered officially with Moldovan passports, than in countries with a lower number of such people.

Besides the calculation algorithm, Siegfried Muresan also asked Alina Rusu to say if, taking into account the fact that about one third of the people eligible to vote in Moldova live abroad according to official statistics, the CEC considers that the current organization of polling places abroad can offer all the conditions needed for the Moldovan citizens to be able to vote.