
CEC adopts decision on organization of electoral meetings


The Central Election Commission (CEC) adopted a decision on the organization of electoral meetings in the campaign preceding the November 30 parliamentary elections, IPN reports. The draft decision was put forward by the CEC president Iurie Ciocan, who argued that a number of election runners complained that they weren’t protected by the police during incidents.

The election runners will have to inform the local public administration about the intention to stage an electoral meeting beforehand, but without needing any type of consent. “Also, the election runners must announce beforehand the police as there were cases when the police weren’t informed,” said the CEC president.

The decision provides that two or more election runners will not stage electoral events simultaneously in the same place. The electoral meetings held inside public institutions must take place outside the work program, while participation in the electoral meetings is voluntary.

Until now, no other normative document stipulated how the electoral meetings are organized. The decision will be issued to the election runners and the local public authorities.