
CCF Moldova annual fundraising campaign to include Ukrainian children among beneficiaries


For the sixth consecutive year, CCF Moldova is holding the “Rostul Postului” social campaign, an initiative to raise funds for supporting hard-hit families and children. This year, the funds raised will also go to support children of Ukrainian refugees among other beneficiaries, the organization said in a press release.

The way the campaign raises funds is by encouraging people to order “food” you can’t actually eat from a virtual restaurant at www.rostulpostului.md. The donations are then transferred to CCF Moldova, which estimates will be able to help hundreds of children.

The campaign runs from March 7 to April 23.

“Having a double responsibility, we also need even more support. People need people, especially in these difficult times, when the number of children in difficulty increases by the hour”, says the organization.

“The joy of giving often outweighs that of receiving. This joy is enhanced when you know how much need there is around. Thousands of families with children cross the border of our country, not by their own choice, but fleeing war and destruction. Inside our country, thousands of other children need support to stay in their families. For us, every child’s trouble has the same color and intensity. Today, you will give up a coffee, and this small sacrifice will pay for a modest lunch for a child. It is the purest form of love for the neighbor”, says CCF Moldova president Liliana Rotaru.