
CCA members say they are intimidated because of several decisions they made


Members of the Council for Coordination on Audiovisual (CCA) Vlad Turcanu and Ludmila Vasilache do not exclude the fact that they were arrested by the Centre for Combating Economic Crime and Corruption (CCECC) because of their activity within the CCA and the decisions which were passed recently and were supported by them lately. Vasilache told the news conference held on Thursday, June 14 that on Wednesday in the evening, 7-8 persons dressed in civvies came at their homes and said they are the employees of the CCECC. They searched the house, after which they asked her and her daughter to follow them to the headquarters of the CCECC, where Ludmila was heard. Subsequently, both of them were set free. Vlad Turcanu said he was arrested by the officers of the Centre at the home of Ludmila Vasilache, where he went to discuss about the arrest of their colleague Ruslan Plesca. After he was heard by several persons at the CCECC he was set free, and was said he is not suspected. Turcanu says that within the last month, after voting in favour of several important decisions for the audiovisual field, he started to receive insulting SMS messages. However, he says he does not want to make any connection between these messages and the events happened yesterday, although everything occurred in a relatively short time. According to Ludmila Vasilache, the massive campaign of intimidation over several CCA members can be explained by their attempts to change things. Vasilache, Turcanu and Valeriu Frumusachi were the authors of the warnings applied for the first time to “Teleradio-Moldova” Company and NIT TV stations in the election campaign. The lawyer of those two, Vitalie Nagacevschi said that when the officers arrested Ludmila Vasilache they committed several violations, including the lack of warrant for the search signed by the instruction judge, performed a part of the search after 22.00, which is prohibited by the legislation. Nagevschi said he will start legal proceedings in court against these actions. MP of People’s Christian Democrat Party (the party which proposed Plesca, Turcanu and Vasilache to the office of CCA members) Angela Arama said that the present composition of the Council is inconvenient to several oligarchic clans and other structures which have audiovisual-related businesses. Arama considers that the present composition has done a good job taking into consideration the difficult conditions they faced and it is possible that everything was done so far will be lost. According to a press release, CCECC has started penal proceedings against several members of the CCA, as they have solicited a bribe worth EUR 60 thousand from the director of a company which provides TV services for the issuance of the broadcasting license, and subsequent protection of the company. The accused persons are Ruslan Plesca and the director of the Balti-based broadcaster. After their depositions, the officers of the Centre started penal investigation on complicity in committing the aforementioned offence against CCA members Ludmila Vasilache and Valeriu Soltan.